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Edvard Munch
view post Posted on 6/1/2007, 17:17

Formatisi nel 1994 in quel di New York per mano del singer Daryl Palumbo e del chitarrista Justin Beck, i Glassjaw propongono un sound chiaramente debitore della scena hardcore della Grande Mela ma che sterza decisamente più verso i lidi dello screamo e dell'alternative rock/metal.
Il debut del 2000, Everything you ever wanted to know about silence, è prodotto dal guru Ross Robinson e grazie anche a questo mette in mostra un impasto sonoro dal grande impatto ed alquanto eclettico; su tutto però si ergono le vocals di Palumbo, fortemente debitrici di singer quali Chino Moreno, Perry Farrell e Mike Patton.
Due anni più tardi è la volta di Worship & Tribute, pubblicato dalla Warner si prospetta come il disco destinato a far breccia nel mercato; le cose non vanno esattamente così, ma le qualità della band rimangono inalterate.
Il 2007 dovrebbe essere l'anno del loro ritorno sulle scene, ed ovviamente si aspettano le dovute novità stilistiche.

view post Posted on 18/1/2007, 21:14

Dico la mia:Daryl in Worship and Tribute ha influenzato alla grande il mio stile vocale. Purtroppo cio che e stao possibile ascoltare dopo quell album prende le distanze dal capolavoro: gli Head Automatica fanno cacare e gli House of Blow e un inno all essere sovrafumati in fase di composizione.
view post Posted on 18/1/2007, 21:17

io li ho sempre trovati troppo monocorde in quanto a struttura delle canzoni..
view post Posted on 18/1/2007, 21:22

Diciamo che erano sorti come gruppo piu new metal che hardcore...fu uno dei pochi gruppi del genere che mi piacque.
view post Posted on 19/1/2007, 17:38

io li ho visti assieme agli earthtone9 di spalla ai soulfly nel 2000: al contrario degli et9 (che non conoscevo e che ho cominciato ad amare da quel giorno), i gj mi hanno proprio fatto cacare e palumbo mi è sembrato un tipo con parecchi atteggiamenti da rockstar sul palco.. da allora non me li sono mai più filati, e magari ho fatto male.
Edvard Munch
view post Posted on 19/1/2007, 17:50


Non inpazzisco per il loro sound però bisogna dare loro il merito di aver proposto qualcosa di originale e senza dubbio di valore.

A proposito di Earthtone9, ho appena sentito il disco dei Twin Zero....insomma, non mi ha impressionato più di tanto; qualche buona idea c'è ma al momento direi che gli Et9 erano meglio.
view post Posted on 20/1/2007, 03:51

A proposito di Glassjaw: pure mio fratello mi disse che quando suonarono con i Deftones fecero schifo e Palumbo si comportava un po da prima donna. Pero il lavori sfornati (che viste le performance live andrebbe ridiscusso specie se dietro c era uno come Ross Robinson capace di rendere pure gli Slipknot bravi..) sono gran belli.

Gli Earthtone9:uno dei miei gruppi inglesi preferiti. Furono il mio battesimo live nel lontano 2000 quando avevo 16 anni..ricordo che gia avevo acquisito una buona capacita di pensiero critico dato che aveo tramato di far fuori i Kill II This. Il secondo album loro e un capolavoro, il primo e iperbello e l ultimo ha episodi notevoli e altri un po meno...diciamo che la prova vocale non mi convince appieno.

I Twin Tower: lascia stare...a meno non ti piaccia il genere, quello e puro new metal, di quello gia sentito qualche milione di volte che pensavo pure nessuno piu facesse. Il Karl e cosi statico vocalmente da far schifo specie se comparato con gli E9...
view post Posted on 20/1/2007, 05:03

#khmer: ma non è che ti confondi coi blueprint? i twin zero sono lungi dall'essere nu metal..
view post Posted on 21/1/2007, 03:57

Ho ascoltato la roba che ce su myspace...almeno mi dava quell impressione. Se e per me pure l ultima roba dei The End e new metal..
view post Posted on 30/1/2007, 09:07

Non sono mai andato matto per i Glassjaw... più che altro non mi entusiasma la voce, però non sono male.
..Non toccatemi gil Earthtone 9 eh (almeno Arc'Tan'Gent e Omega EP).

I Twin Zero sono validi, anche se ho sentito solo Monolith e non l'ultimo The Tomb To Every Hope (anzi, se qualcuno ce l'avesse.. :rolleyes: ).. e secondo me Karl non è statico, anzi...

Edited by Marpa.. - 30/1/2007, 11:45
view post Posted on 30/1/2007, 09:38

il primo disco dei glassjaw l'ho letteralmente consumato, il secondo invece così così... dal vivo li ho visti due volte (di spalla a deftones e soulfly) e mi hanno convinto a metà anche perchè si perdevano un botto tantissime parti di chitarra complice l'acustica indegna (sopratutto al rolling). certo che gli earthtone9 hanno devastato tutto quella sera... mi ricordo ancora quando sono saliti on stage, sembravano i roadie, poi karl si è tolto gli occhialini, ha preso in mano il microfono e ha scatenato l'inferno!!! \m/
view post Posted on 6/2/2007, 15:05

Sto ascoltando ora gli Head Automatica perche non avevo voglia di ascoltare roba con le palle girate...minchia dopo 3 canzoni le palle girate le avevo io. Ma quanto cacare fanno?? La musica sembra tratta da Mila e Shiro e lui canta veramente come un gay...
view post Posted on 4/7/2007, 07:17

Mention This To Me



Intervista a Daryl Palumbo, parla della sitauzione del gruppo:

SPOILER (click to view)
U.K.'s Rock Sound magazine recently conducted an interview with GLASSJAW frontman Daryl Palumbo. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:

Rock Sound: How do you think people will react to the new record?

Daryl: I just imagine that people will be harsh critics. I only care what Beck our guitarist thinks of the record and I know he only cares what I think of the record so I don't give a fuck what one other human on this planet thinks of it. We know what we want the record to sound like. The four of us are going to sit in a room and do it, I am not paying a million dollars for some fucking figurehead producer to sit in a room and not do a damn thing. It is just going to be the record that we have in our head. People are waiting to put it under the magnifying glass but I could not care less.

Rock Sound: Are you talking about Ross [Robinson]?

Daryl: That was not a reference to Ross, that is a reference to any producer you pay to not do anything. I did not make a reference to Ross I am just not going to pay anyone to get in the way, fuck with my emotions, turn up late, try to tell me what to play and all that. I will not listen to some forty-year-old fucking producer who knows nothing about the type of music I want to make. I don't care what any producer would think about our band, I don't trust their judgement. Unless I meet someone from today until we make the record that blows my mind and makes me and Beck reconsider then no one goes in the studio with us. It is not early for me to know but it is too early to convey in an interview, its almost pointless. As of right now, the melodic shit is way more melodic and progressed and the heavy stuff is that much heavier. It is forty years heavier at least. Brutal. The melodic and ambient are that much more of an experience.

Rock Sound: Are you financially well off?

Daryl: Dude, people saw our videos and thought it was a billion-dollar video and that we had made it. Are you crazy? It could not be any further from the truth. And now it's the same, I am not a millionaire from making music. People always saw stuff and thought the machine was working for them. No it wasn't. It never was. There were no ads for our records, there was no major promotion, no one gave a fuck about my band. When GLASSJAW was a full-time touring band we were not a huge thing. People did not understand that. We had people taking advantage of us the whole time. Because we were young people were ruining us all the time. In many ways and I feel like the whole time we were not happy as we were not seeing the results we had worked for years to get, we spent years eating, sleeping, shitting GLASSJAW and all we got was ripped off.

Rock Sound: Would it be different now?

Daryl: You open up any magazine now, especially a magazine like Alternative Press, and there are a thousand bands that GLASSJAW could tour with if we were a young band. Back then there was no one we could tour with, we used to be asked who to tour with and we would not know, bands like QUICKSAND had broken up so we guessed at bands like FILTER or the FOO FIGHTERS. There were no post hardcore bands. Now there are a million. We were unhappy about almost everything at the time, we saw bands that had been about for six months headlining for 5,000 people a night and we did not want to headline those shows, we just wanted to get by. We could not even do that. We did not want to be rich and famous, we just wanted to get by. And we could not.

Rock Sound: We never saw it over in England, you guys headlined over here from almost the first tour.

Daryl: We were always bigger in the UK than we were back home. We did not tell anyone over here that it was not like this at all usually, we would just crack up. We were just a hardcore band. Two hundred people would come see us at the most back home and we got fed up with it. We played a show in Chico with AMERICAN NIGHTMARE, fifty people turned up. Imagine the crowd that show would get now. I could not work out what we were doing wrong, I used to question whether we should have signed a record deal at all and done it all ourselves to see if that would have worked out better. People who weren't signed to majors were doing great and we were not, we were fighting on the road all the time as we were together all the fucking time, we were a bunch of brats from Long Island having a tough time. But people made it into a legend. Biggest shows we played were when we played the primetime slots on Warped in New York, New Jersey. I remember every show we played. I remember how many people were at them. I know how many records we sold and every week I would keep track. I remember it all. I tell you, it has been made myth and way bigger now than it ever was back then. It is great to know that we toured a few months ago in the US and they were the biggest shows we had ever done. It is great to know that. In every way it was the biggest and it is hysterical but at the same time anything from the lyrics to the image was made into something bigger than it ever was. We were five dudes from Long Island who wanted to play post hardcore. It was nothing more. We wanted to play progressive hardcore.

Read the entire interview at
view post Posted on 8/12/2007, 10:59

Mention This To Me



view post Posted on 1/11/2008, 19:51

scusate x aver aperto un altro topic ..... :D
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