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view post Posted on 1/9/2007, 15:47

Mention This To Me



view post Posted on 24/9/2007, 22:05

Mention This To Me



view post Posted on 6/12/2007, 20:48

Mention This To Me



Intervista al sig. Austin
view post Posted on 14/7/2009, 23:20

(MOLTO) Lunga Intervista per MetalSucks

I was told by the guy that owns Relapse Records that kids are fucking stupid and that they only care about what’s brand new, that they don’t care about quality. That they care about two different things: brand new shit and volume of shit, meaning the amount of shit that comes out every month. And I said “You know, that’s kind of fucking crazy. So you’re trying to tell me that a band being good at what they do is not as important as the next trendy or hip band that comes down the block.” And he said “Yeah, that’s right.” So I’m like “Wow that’s a nice little formula on how to ruin a fucking record company.”

I think in like 10 years, at the moment that an album is released, the big deal is not going to be just about the audio part, it’s going to be about all the other merchandise shit that goes along with it. All the new art designs for t-shirts, there’s some shorts, jackets, hats, mood rings, whatever else type of Kiss memorabilia insane shit…That’s the future, because you cannot stick those things through a USB port. So officially trademarked, licensed merchandise is the future of asshole music. I really do believe that in five years someone will like laugh if you tried to charge them for like a CD or something like that. They would be like “Are you kidding me?”

Edvard Munch
view post Posted on 18/7/2009, 18:02

Steve Austin is the man.....che personaggio :D

Cmq davvero molto interessante questa intervista, soprattutto quando si parla dell'industria discografica odierna e tutta una bella entrata a gamba tesa sulla Relapse prima e sull'ex drummer Derek Roddy poi.

Poi ovvio il must è quando ci regala queste perle....

No. Today is the Day and music, to me, is all about a feeling. I started playing guitar in a way of like, you know, I saw other people emulate and copy other bands of play shit and that really wasn’t my deal. And the instrument itself, the guitar… it seemed to me that there’s got to be lots of different ways to play this thing other than just the normal way it’s played. And so I made up my own chords, I made up my own phrasings, I made up my own the notated type of shit and stuff, with an idea in my mind that I just want to play what’s inside of me and not let style or shit like that come through like when I’m playing. A lot of that has to do with turning away from all other music and not really becoming some big fan of whatever bands that blah blah blah. The idea is to create music that I would personally listen to. And in my demented, dysfunctional, fucked up, terrible insane life that I live, like there’s not really that many bands that are the soundtrack to the day that I live through.

So I kind of like sit down and whatever is moving through me, I try and transcribe it and write it down and catch it in musical form. For instance, one song from our new album Axis of Eden, one of my favorite songs, is called “Free at Last.” I got into a big fight with my woman about a bunch of shit, and I was just really fucked up, one of those lower than normal fucked ups where you wanna take an axe and start running through a department store and start chopping people up or something. And so I went out to the studio and locked the door because I felt part of my mind, and there was a piano sitting there and a Macintosh laptop and I just started jamming out, and the next thing you know, I had written that whole song from beginning to end on piano. You know, if someone had asked me while I was doing it like “What kind of shit is this or whatever?” I would have been like “I have no idea because it’s just some bullshit that I’m feeling right now.” But in the end, it turned out to be a pretty epic, psychedelic metal song. But at the time when I was doing it, it just seemed like the worst thing in the world, because it really reflected how I felt inside, which was suicidal, violent, wanting to kill someone and just wanting to die.

ou know, I think it’s been pretty much worked out on purpose that way. I think that different bands that were meant to be like a “band band.” like the Rolling Stones or like the Beetles, and half the bands that I call a “band band” like that, are back in the days when you could be a “band band,” meaning back in the 1960s and 1970s. People didn’t even have a fucking job back then, but you didn’t even need a job. They just fucking hung out and took acid, fucking played music, ate food, fucked chicks, and dido whatever they wanted to all day long, all night long. I did the same thing myself to a certain degree from my late teens to my mid 20s, of just being a complete and total bohemian freak.

But today, I think bands like Today is the Day are becoming more commonplace, where there is one central motivating figure who cares about what’s going on and continues to put it together and make it happen. And then artists come and be apart of it and then move on and do whatever, but the main person that’s in it still goes forward. And it’s easy to see why, because it’s a hell of a lot easier for one person to function as one thing then it is like several people to function as one thing. It’s difficult.


We’ve been able to vary and change our style and evolve into different things and always be kind of ahead of the times even though we’re not trendy or anything. We don’t really follow anything, if anything the music of Today is the Day has kind of always had an extreme edge, slightly ahead of where everything else is going, so you know… I don’t know. That’s the whole idea of it… if I actually ever got like ten fucking whole heartedly beyond Jesus Christ dedicated people that would give their lives to the band, then we would probably make shit fucking gay music for the rest of our lives then [laughs]. Like sitting around in a circle jerk holding hands and staring at the moon and thinking about how awesome it is that we love each other and that we play in the band and we’ll be forever together, you know. I kind of just don’t even care about shit like that.

5 replies since 1/9/2007, 15:47   379 views